Written by: John Sernaque

CCh - Counsels for the Church (1991) Chapter 48—Counsels on Stewardship
But many, when they begin to gather earthly riches, commence to calculate how long it will be before they can be in possession of a certain sum. In their anxiety to amass wealth for themselves they fail to become rich toward God. Their benevolence does not keep pace with their accumulation. As their passion for riches increases, their affections are bound up with their treasure. The increase of their property strengthens the eager desire for more, until some consider that their giving to the Lord a tenth is a severe and unjust tax. {CCh 279.4}
Inspiration has said: “If riches increase, set not your heart upon them.” Psalm 62:10. Many have said: “If I were as rich as such a one, I would multiply my gifts to the treasury of God. I would do nothing else with my wealth but use it for the advancement of the cause of God.” God has tested some of these by giving them riches, but with the riches came the fiercer temptation, and their benevolence was far less than in the days of their poverty. A grasping desire for greater riches absorbed their minds and hearts, and they committed idolatry. {CCh 279.5}
The desire to accumulate wealth stems from a lack of faith. We are to trust in God to provide for all our earthly needs. We will not be able to take with us the riches of this world as they will be moth eaten and corroded. Jesus has told us that he is preparing a mansion for us in heaven, and if it were not so he would say so. If we are in the position of gaining earthly riches, this is our test from God to see if we will return unto Him that which is His to further His cause, and in benevolence toward our brothers and sisters. Our aim is to become rich toward God that one day we will be received into our mansions in God’s heavenly kingdom.
Dear Father in Heaven,
We thank Thee for being so good to us. For providing for all our earthly needs in abundance. For giving us the opportunity and privilege to be a partaker in the great work that needs to be done. To give us the ability to acquire means to take care of ourselves and our families but also those in need as well. We are sorry that we ever withheld any of Your gifts from Your treasury. We repent of our sins and pray for forgiveness. We pray that You will continue to bless us and give us power from on high to continue in advancing Your cause. Keep us humble and faithful. We thank Thee for hearing and answering our prayers. In the name of Jesus Christ, we thank You and praise Thee. Amen.
