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Put Away Idol Spending

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque


CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 7—A Time for Economy and Sacrifice

God calls upon His people to awake to their responsibilities. A flood of light is shining from His word, and there must be a meeting of neglected obligations. When these are met, by giving to the Lord His own in tithes and offerings, the way will be opened for the world to hear the message that the Lord designs it to hear. If our people had the love of God in the heart, if every church member were imbued with the spirit of self-sacrifice, there would be no lack of funds for home and foreign missions; our resources would be multiplied; a thousand doors of usefulness would be opened; and we should be invited to enter. Had the purpose of God been carried out in giving the message of mercy to the world, Christ would have come, and the saints would have received their welcome into the city of God. {CS 36.3}

If ever there was a time when sacrifices should be made, it is now. My brethren and sisters, practice economy in your homes. Put away the idols that you have placed before God. Give up your selfish pleasures. Do not, I beg of you, spend means in embellishing your houses; for your money belongs to God, and to Him you must give an account for its use. Do not use the Lord’s money to gratify the fancies of your children. Teach them that God has a claim on all they possess, and that nothing can ever cancel this claim. {CS 37.1}

Humans are creatures of habit. Unfortunately, many humans have a habit of accumulating “stuff”, their earthly treasures. Spending so much money on unnecessary things, money that could have gone into doing God’s work. Sadly, plenty of people’s stuff is not even functional or useful in any way. Decorations, accessories, ornaments, you name it. Souls are perishing all around us, yet selfishness continues to abound. Sister White implores us to “Put away the idols that you have placed before God.” We will all have to give an account to God in how we used the means that He entrusted to us. If we all dutifully carry out God’s plan of salvation, the sooner we will see Christ in the clouds to take us home to His heavenly kingdom. What a day of rejoicing that will be.

Our Father,

We thank You for giving us the privilege, honor, and opportunity to be co laborers with You in the plan of salvation. We pray that You help all to put away their selfish habits, and instead, be the faithful stewards You are calling us to be. We pray that You will continue to bless us with the ability to acquire means, to be imparted for Your work, that there would be no lack of funds. Keep us faithful in our giving and may all the glory be to You, dear Lord. We thank You and praise You. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen

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