Written by: John Sernaque

Dear Reader.
Books / Pr - Prayer (2002) / Chapter 6—The Prayer Of Faith
The Prayer of Faith Expresses the Simple Wants of the Soul—Prayer is not an expiation for sin; it has no virtue or merit of itself. All the flowery words at our command are not equivalent to one holy desire. The most eloquent prayers are but idle words if they do not express the true sentiments of the heart. But the prayer that comes from an earnest heart, when the simple wants of the soul are expressed, as we would ask an earthly friend for a favor, expecting it to be granted—this is the prayer of faith. God does not desire our ceremonial compliments, but the unspoken cry of the heart broken and subdued with a sense of its sin and utter weakness finds its way to the Father of all mercy.—(Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 86, 87.) {Pr 60.4}
Wordy and lengthy prayers have no room in the church or your prayer closet. Long and eloquent speeches are best left for the worldly lecture halls. Your vocabulary does not impress God. He cares about what is in your heart, the simple wants of your soul. He knows all your cares, but wants to hear from you. Confess your sins to the God of all mercy. Pray to God, in faith, as your true and only friend. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. When we pray, we enter into God’s presence, unto Holy ground. Do not merely bring lip service to God or you will miss all His heavenly glory.
Our kind and gracious heavenly Father,
We come into Your presence, unto Holy ground, in praise and thanksgiving. We thank You so much and are eternally grateful for the sacrifice You made on our behalf. For trading divinity for humanity that we may know and learn of You. For teaching us how to walk a Christian life with You, as Enoch walked with You, we pray to do the same. As Enoch and Elijah were both translated into heaven without seeing the first death, we pray likewise the same for us. We long to see You coming in the clouds as You promised to return once more to gather up the saints. What a day of rejoicing that will be. However, until that day come, we pray for Your help. We have sinned against You, and are sorry and truly repent of all our sins. We pray for the Power of the Holy Spirit to help us resist the wiles and temptations of Satan and his demons. We pray for Your wisdom to turn Satan away, as You did, with an It is Written. Help us always bring to remembrance the Power of the Holy Scriptures. For man cannot live by bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. We pray You use us as Your vessels to use and speak through to be a reflection of Your character. We pray not to speak idle words to others as we go through life, and certainly not to You in prayer. We thank You for always being there to listen to us as if we were the only person on earth. We value our time with You and thank You with all our heart for being our friend. Though we have all sinned and come short of Your glory, You love us just the same. Thank You for being our Father of all mercy. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.
