Written by: John Sernaque
Call to Worship
1 Kings 1: 5-6
1:5 Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself, saying, I will be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.
1:6 And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done so? and he also [was a] very goodly [man]; and [his mother] bare him after Absalom.
David Faithfully Withstood Pressure by Adonijah—
Adonijah had ever had his own way, and he thought that if he made a demonstration showing his desire to reign, David would yield to his wishes. But David was true to God and to his convictions (MS 6 1/2, 1903). {2BC 1024.7}
Those who are first will be last and those that are last will be first. Pride and desire to exalt himself was the downfall of Lucifer. He led and rallied other angels into believing that they should be above God. He tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, deceiving her into believing that she would not surely die. Satan desired to be higher than the most High by attempting to reduce God to being no better than he is. We all know the outcome of such foolishness. God is almighty, all knowing and all present. He knows all our comings and goings; no one can hide anything from Him. God honors those who honor Him. Humility and humbleness are the character traits of a God loving Christian. Christ has instructed all to die to self-daily, pick up their cross and follow Him. As David was true to God, we are also to stand firm in our convictions. If we confess His name before man on earth, He will confess our names to the Father that is in heaven. Christ called His disciples publicly, and we are not to hide or keep our love for God a secret. We are to declare to the whole world what God has done for us in our life. Sound the trumpet, for His coming is even at the door.
Our most kind and gracious heavenly Father,
We humbly come into Your presence, on our knees, in thanksgiving, praise, and prayer. We thank You for giving us this honor and privilege, and yet another opportunity to bow down before You at the foot of Your throne. You promised us that You would return. That You have gone to prepare a place for us in our heavenly mansions. We are so grateful to You for all that You have done, continue to do, and what You will do for us. We thank You in advance for all the blessings You have in store for us. We patiently and peacefully await Your great day to come. We all have a work to do while we wait for Your day to come. We pray, dear Lord, for Your wisdom and understanding to do what is right, favorable, and well pleasing in Your sight. We pray to be faithful witnesses before the whole world as to the blessed hope of Your soon coming. We cannot do anything by our own strength and do not know how to come in or go out. We pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us in the way we should go. We pray You continue to speak to us and that we hear Your voice and follow thee wherever You lead. We pray to serve You in the capacity in which we are blessed. We humbly and in all humility serve You. We accept Your appointment for us in how and when we are to carry out the work You would have us do. Like David who was true to You, we will also stand firm in our convictions, and will publicly continue to confess Your name before man on earth. We pray for Your protection as we sound the trumpet and declare to the whole world what God has done for us in our life. Praise be to You and glory in Your name, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.