Written by: John Sernaque

CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 16—Regularity and System
The directions given by the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul in regard to gifts, present a principle that applies also to tithing: “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.” Parents and children are here included. Not only the rich, but the poor, are addressed. “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart [through the candid consideration of God’s prescribed plan], so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” The gifts are to be made in consideration of the great goodness of God to us. {CS 80.1}
And what more appropriate time could be chosen for setting aside the tithe and presenting our offerings to God? On the Sabbath we have thought upon His goodness. We have beheld His work in creation as an evidence of His power in redemption. Our hearts are filled with thankfulness for His great love. And now, before the toil of a week begins, we return to Him His own, and with it an offering to testify our gratitude. Thus our practice will be a weekly sermon, declaring that God is the possessor of all our property, and that He has made us stewards to use it to His glory. Every acknowledgment of our obligation to God will strengthen the sense of obligation. Gratitude deepens as we give it expression, and the joy it brings is life to soul and body.—The Review and Herald, February 4, 1902. {CS 80.2}
God is love. He created us in His own image. By His grace, we are privileged to enjoy all of His beautiful creations. Yes, we go through trials, tribulations, toil and labor throughout the week. However, God gave us something wonderful in the beginning of His creation, His Holy day of rest, the Seventh Day Sabbath. God rested on the seventh day to remind us of His creation. What a better day than to return unto God our portion of what all rightfully belongs to Him. Let us make our first fruits in consideration of His great goodness to us. Return unto God with joy, as God loves a cheerful giver.
Our kind and gracious Father,
We thank You for giving us Your breath of life. For all of Your wonderful creation. As a reminder of all creation from the beginning, for giving us Your day of rest, the Seventh Day Sabbath. In consideration of Your great goodness to us, we return unto Your treasury the portion of our first fruits that You require from us. May You bless it to further Your plan of salvation and saving souls for Your heavenly kingdom. Bless us and keep us faithful in proclaiming the Good News to the whole world and keeping the flock fed with Your Word. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.
