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Those who are Truly Converted

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque


Periodicals / MMR - Monthly Missionary Reading (1908) / May 9, 1908—An Appeal for Missions

Those who are truly converted are called to do a work which requires money and consecration. The obligation which binds us to place our names on the church roll holds us responsible to work to the utmost of our ability for God. He calls for undivided service, for the entire devotion of heart, soul, mind, and strength. Christ has brought us into church captivity, that he may engage and engross all our capabilities in devoted service for the salvation of others. Anything short of this is opposition to the work. There are only two places in the universe where we can deposit our treasures—in God’s storehouse or in Satan’s; and all that is not devoted to God’s service is counted on Satan’s side, and goes to strengthen his cause. {MMR May 9, 1908, par. 5}

As Sister White states, if we are truly converted, we are called to do a work for God, a work that requires money and consecration. We all have a part in the work of salvation. God asks from us our whole being; our heart, soul, mind, and strength. By earthly standards, I am not rich. But by heavenly standards, I am rich with an abundance of treasures. As I look about, I see many wealthy people as well, loaded with heavenly treasures. For he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. So, let us deposit our treasures in God’s storehouse and not in Satan’s.

Our Father, God Almighty,

We thank You once again for given us this honor and privilege to be able to return unto Your treasury that which You require of us. We thank You for the opportunity to do a work for You in Your plan of salvation. We joyfully surrender all to You, our whole being, and our tithes and offerings that Your storehouse may be full. We pray that You bless these means and multiply them, that Your gospel may go out to the whole world, and that Your second advent may be quickened. We thank You for all the blessings that You have bestowed upon us and providing for all our earthly needs. We thank You for giving us the victory over sin. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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